


Crops have five distinct rarities associated with them. These rarities come from the seed that was used to plant the crop. these five types of rarities are:

  • Common

  • Rare

  • Epic

  • Legendary

  • Mythical

Based on the crop type, the user will be able to sell these crops at a higher profit margin due to the fact that there will be more scarce then the other rarities.


As mentioned crops are the by-product of the micro progression loop based on the type of seed that was used to plant. Similar to what was mentioned in the seed document, there are specific crops that can be grown on each planet.

Players will have to use specific autos from that planet in order to collect those specific crops.

The amount crops that are harvested by the player is always a fixed amount regardless of the rarity type of the seed. This allows for it to be systemic and modular with all of the other crops.

When a crop is ready to be harvested and is collected, it becomes a minted nft. The player can use this newly minted nft to either complete orders or sell.

More information will be looked at in the acquiring section

Plot + Crop

Based on the plot rarity associated with the planet that the player used to plant the seed on, it will affect the amount of crops that can be collected by the player.

What this means is that there is a modifier that is applied to the base amount of crops.

Similar to the seed type, there are 4 rarities associated with the plot:

  • Common

  • Rare

  • Epic

  • Legendary

Based on this information, and in order to keep the plots modular as much as possible between planets, there is a base model multiplier that is used across all of the crops and plot types.

So what this means is that for every seed that is planted, the play learn 1 crop from it. When they plant seed on a mythical plot for example, they will earn 5 crops which is a 500% return.



There are a couple of ways players can earn crops. Some of these can either be through earning through the game or purchasing from primary and secondary markets.

From inside the game these are the main taps:

  • Seeds

  • Orders

  • Crossbreeding

From outside of the game loop and on marketplace:

  • Purchasing crops

  • Selling /swapping crops


What are the main ways players are able to attain crops is by performing the micro loop of the game which is through seeds.

There are a limited amount of seeds available on a planet that the player can purchase.

These seeds will give a unique crop. Players with the seed will plant, wait a specific amount of time for it to mature, then use their automobile to harvest the crop.


Players if they so choose which can purchase the crop individually on the marketplace as it is in exchangeable NFT. The value of these crops will be governed totally by the users and how their perceived value is associated with a price point.

As previously mentioned these crops will have a rarity associated with them which means that the higher rarity well more likely be valued higher.


Players can in theory sell their crop through a swapping mechanism that will be built inside the game. A player can choose to swap a crop with other users who are wishing to find an appropriate exchange for their own crop. This is very similar to AMM liquidity swapping for tokens.


While orders are the main focal point for players too be rewarded by completing, they may still be rewarded crops for completing very exclusive orders.

For example if an order is to give three mythical crops, we can envision that some of the rewards will be both utility token and common crops as well.

Cross Breeding

Crossbreeding in itself is not a direct top or source for players to earn crops but more for them too be able to earn mythical seeds that can reward them with mythical crops by performing the gameplay loops.

Breeding is a unique aspect to my little planet where players will breed different rarity of crops to attain a higher rarity seed. For more information please see the crossbreeding gdd

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