

Seeds are the one of the most important ingredients in the game. They are the fundamental component for players to earn income and complete orders with since players need a seed to start and complete the Micro loop.



Seeds are used to plant and grow a crop. These five types of rarities are:

  • Common

  • Rare

  • Epic

  • Legendary

  • Mythical


Seeds can be planted on a plot of land and will grow into crops overtime. Players will need to harvest these crops by using automobiles available to them on the planet specifically.



There are a couple of ways players can earn crops. Some of these can either be through earning through the game or purchasing from primary and secondary markets.

From inside the game these are the main taps:


  • Cross Breeding


What are the main ways players are able to attain crops is by performing the micro loop of the game which is through seeds.

As seen in the Seed GDD, there are a limited amount of seeds available on a planet that the player can purchase.

These seeds will give a unique crop. Players with the seed will plant, wait a specific amount of time free 2 mature, then use their automobile to harvest the crop.

The player can purchase seeds through MLCOIN

This is the primary way players are going to be able to get seeds inside of the game. As previously mentioned there are five different types of seeds that are gonna be available to the player and arrange of seeds per type as well.

With that said though the cost with soft currency will only be reliant on the seed type and not the seed itself. The following is our projected costs for the seeds in the game.

The mythical seed type will only be attainable through crossbreeding which we will see in the next section of this document.

Cross Breeding

Breeding is a unique aspect to my little planet where players will breed different rarity of crops to attain a higher rarity seed. This concept is a driving force in the engagement and retention mechanics an will allow for players to have fun with earning different types of seeds.

So when a player has certain types of crops in their inventory they able to go to a specific area and crossbreed the types in order to create higher rarity version seeds of them.

The following is the cost of the crop to seed crossbreeding

Seed Type

Each planet will have the same amount of common seeds associated with them. There will also have specific seeds associated with the planet as well.


Common seeds are the most basic type of seeds of players are going to be able to get inside of my little planet. Generally speaking they are going to be the ones that the player will receive more or less for free when starting off and offer the lowest amount of return possible.

There will be only 3 types of common seeds available to the player that they can purchase.


This seed type is a tier above the common type of seed. It will generally offer more rewards that are players then the common type. There will also be 3 Seeds available


This seed type is middle of the seed type pack. There are generally less of these types of seeds available for players to purchase. In any given planet there are only two of these types of seeds available


This is the most expensive and profitable seed type that the player can purchase. This is also the last rarity of purchasable seed type. There is only one legendary seed available per planet.


As previously stated in crossbreeding, mythical seeds can only come by using this system specifically. That said this seed is the utmost rarest one to get an requires the given crossbreeding crop types in order to make this seed.

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